work it out wednesday's

I see you googling... trying to find the answer to the latest tech issue, or watching endless YouTube's and still feeling stuck.

Here's the thing, you don't have to do it alone!

We are gonna spend an hour together, as a group to support, ideate and bring ease into your business backend.

It's time to stop with the "I'm not good with tech…" you just haven’t learned it yet.

Every Second Wednesday @ 11am MDT

Schedule will be sent out in an email after you sign up 😎

Hi, I'm Christina

Building sites, funnels & the backend of courses for women who are literally (I mean LITERALLY) changing the world is better than an iced Vietnamese coffee on a sunny August afternoon in Alberta.

(Yep, I’m a ‘Berta girl).

Speaking of… Prior to helping Healers, Coaches & Visionary Women with their digital stages (aka: their website platforms), I spent 15+ years as a coordinator in the Oil & Gas industry.

While it helped me become HELLA dialed in on systems and processes…

I got burnt out.

Ah yes, the hero’s journey of the Corporate Worker Gone Rogue.

(Does that count as a pun? SoRogue… Gone Rogue? Eh?)

Anyways, my time spent in the corporate world was invaluable because I took ALL the expertise I gained in the organization required to manage multi-million dollar accounts…

And brought it to my clients today – which is an area many of them admittedly struggle with.

Systems are sexy though, my friend. You’ll see